
Simple and Subtle Email Templates

Is it a struggle to be assertive without sounding brusque? Have you been ghosted by a potential client? Perhaps you feel upset when a loyal longstanding client doesn’t pay on time; do you want to tell him or her that you will be putting your hourly rate up, or perhaps you just want to end the relationship altogether?

  • Charging for onboarding and meeting up with a potential client
  • Proposal for a potential client
  • Partnering up and collaborating email
  • Magic email to get potential client’s attention to close the deal
  • Retainer vs ad-hoc rates
  • Working pattern boundaries
  • Pro-bono working boundaries
  • Holiday template
  • Sub-contracting and taking on associates
  • Price increase template

If you are lying awake at night worrying about how you’re going to broach a sensitive topic, then I have just what you need!

When you purchase my ‘Email Templates Package’ – refer to the content page; choose the template that closest describes your situation and once you’ve adapted it a little; it will be good to go.  It will save you a huge amount of time, anxiety and awkwardness.

You’ll also have lifetime access to all updates and new templates.

If you don’t find what you are looking for, for a small additional cost I can provide your very own personalised template.

Available now: click here to purchase at £19.99.